Critically Acclaimed Sporting Teams
I was recently listening to a podcast (BS Report with Steve Nash), and the idea of a 'critically acclaimed' sporting team was mentioned. The idea comes from television and movie criticism. There are many examples of critically acclaimed shows and movies which, ultimately, didn't win awards or have anyone see them.
On the podcast it was specifically related to Steve Nash's great Phoenix Suns teams, who everyone loved to watch, and remembers fondly, but never actually won the championship.
So - I canvassed some friends for other examples of teams who are/were critically acclaimed. The main principals were that:
- everyone remembers the team
- the team didn't win but no one really remembers that
1974 Netherlands football team
2004-2006 Phoenix Suns (of course)
1982 Brasil football team
1996 Italy volleyball team
1986 France football team
1992/93 Michigan basketball team
1954 Hungary football team
Any others? I feel like there should be tennis examples.....
Read about the great new Vyacheslav Platonov coaching book here.

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